Lesotho Diamond Brokers, Scottsdale, Arizona USA & Sandton,South Africa
About Lesotho Diamond Brokers, Scottsdale, Arizona USA & Sandton,South Africa
Lesotho Diamond Brokers Pty Limited was founded in the Kingdom of Lesotho in 1978 by John and Marla Taylor. They opened their first office in the capital city of Maseru, buying diamonds from the local diggers. Mr. Taylor would export diamonds to Johannesburg, South Africa and sell them to diamond cutters. John and Marla Taylor were born in Kansas City, Missouri. John developed friendships with many local diamond diggers and they would bring Lesotho diamonds from the mountain diggings to have Ntate John broker there diamonds for them, that blossomed into joint ventures with large and medium size diamond mining companies and export companies in Lesotho, South Africa, Angola, West Africa and the Congo.
If you would like buy diamonds through our company, you will need a minimum of US$1 million per single transaction. We will buy and export gem quality rough for you.
Lesotho Diamond Brokers, Scottsdale, Arizona USA & Sandton,South Africa Products Information
Lesotho Diamonds remains aboutique type exporting firm (exporters of rough diamonds and engages in mining operations on a medium scale). The firm has been growing strength to strength and continues. In 1991 Lesotho Diamond Brokers became an official diamond broker to the Russian Federation to help market their Technical rough diamonds.